We have a number of hand held radar speed guns for hire or sale:
Rent, hire or purchase our basic model speed gun, based on our Sports
Radar Gun, the SRA3000, which is ideal for use for Community
SpeedWatch initiatives providing a very economical, simple to use,
tool. The next model the SR3600 can be equipped with external LED
display. Speedspy provides unattended
data recording. Our associate website
gives more detail.
We have for sale or hire, a number of SDB-18 portable radar speed display (vehicle activated) signs, designed for easy positioning in areas where speeding is a concern. These barrow, or dolly-mounted radar displays are accurate from five miles per hour and are viewed “at a glance”.
For your Vehicle Activated
Portable Speed Display Sign
- the SDB-12 and SDB-18 - from Decatur.
Rent, Hire or buy one of our Speed Display Trailers - trailer mounted speed display signs.
For sale or rent: Pole mounted speed display signs.
Pole mounted radar speed detector and data recorder. Unobtrusively record vehicle speeds over a period of time.
We operate a full service, repair, certification and calibration service for speed display signs and hand-held radar speed guns in our test & certification laboratory in Chesterfield. Have you got your radar speed gun's annual certification?
We also sell Tuning Forks for your own check purposes.