We have a wide range of specialist radar guns to suit most purposes. We also provide a certification and re-calibration service.
Ideal for monitoring site and public road speeds for all types of road going vehicle. This hand held or tripod mounted unit is battery operated for maximum flexibility and portability. It can be operated or recharged from a vehicle's 12v supply.
We have a new improved and lightweight model, the Scout 2.
For more details please go to our Decatur Electronics UK division.
Again hand held or tripod mounted this unit is an adaptation of the radar speed gun specifically for use on railways. It has two ranges, one for low speed applications such as marshalling yards and one for high speed applications.
For more details please go to our Decatur Electronics UK division.
Specifically for measuring the surface velocity of water, for example river flow speed. Our device enables the user to measure surface velocity from a stationary position on the river bank or bridge. It provides provision for automatic correction the angle at which the unit is pointed to the water flow.
We have a new improved and lightweight model, the SVR3D.
For more details please go to our Decatur Electronics UK division.
We offer two types of Sports Radar Gun, the SRA3000 "budget" and simplest model, economic to buy or hire and the SR3600 and SR3800 which can also be supplied as kits with an LED display.
There are options for low speed versions.
For more details, please go to our Sports Radar division.
Our basic model Sports Radar Gun, the SRA3000 (with a minor modification to increase refresh rate) is ideal for use for Community Speedwatch initiatives providing a very economical, simple to use, tool. The more expensive SR3600 can be coupled with an LED display.
For more detail, please go to our Speedwatch Community website.
Don't forget that we offer a full service in our Chesterfield laboratory for routine service, maintenance and calibration of your Radar Gun and also for repair of most types / manufacturer of radar gun. Get the annual certification for your radar gun(s) from us.
We sell tuning forks of varying frequencies for your own checking of your radar gun.